
2008-11-12 17:13 �p�a


What is the minimum number of bits to represent a set of 94 characters of 'Hangul' in the Korean language ?

A) 7 B) 8 C) 9 D) 10

Ans. A


[[i] �����̫�� �p�a �� 2008-11-12 17:59 �s�� [/i]]

2008-11-12 17:14 chinlap
[quote]�쩫�� [i]�p�a[/i] �� 2008-11-12 17:13 �o��
What is the minimum number of bits to represent a set of 94 characters of 'Hangul' in the Korean language ?

A) 7 B) 8 C) 9 D) 10

Ans. A

�����Ѹ� [/quote]
94 characters= =

2008-11-12 17:42 �p�a
[quote]�쩫�� [i]chinlap[/i] �� 2008-11-12 17:14 �o��
94 characters= =
n=7 [/quote]
�ڳs�D�ح���噏�A= =|||
2^N = ��

2008-11-12 18:05 chinlap
[quote]�쩫�� [i]�p�a[/i] �� 2008-11-12 17:42 �o��

�ڳs�D�ح���噏�A= =|||
2^N = ��
hUNGHUL �N��? [/quote]

2008-11-12 18:17 �����T��

�^�_ #4 chinlap �����l


2008-11-12 18:27 �p�a
[quote]�쩫�� [i]�����T��[/i] �� 2008-11-12 18:17 �o��
�s�N��N�O�⨺N��W�h? [/quote]

2008-11-12 18:29 �����T��

�^�_ #6 �p�a �����l


2008-11-12 18:32 Tiger
[quote]�쩫�� [i]�����T��[/i] �� 2008-11-12 18:29 �o��
(�ڬO�b��-->^���t�N) [/quote]

2008-11-12 18:59 �����T��

�^�_ #8 Tiger �����l


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�d�ݧ��㪩��: �D��Ķ[�w�ѨM]

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