Susan Boyle

2009-5-20 22:19 �Q���].�G�T

Susan Boyle

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2009-5-20 22:35 �����T��
$c,F*^[R#T0X ���Y:�B�B�O�ӤH�~!
fP*h}y#~2h1F;cB,Y �y�yFKn,T#B2IM Q*b

2009-5-21 00:11 satzuna

2009-5-21 08:58 daniel06
At first I thought she will suck at singing,because they will show those who are good and not good,3B~+xL M'Qpq2r
but when she opens her mouth,she really have a talent.

2009-5-21 16:22 Tiger
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2009-5-21 16:26 �L���D�Դ�

2009-5-21 22:51 �˥�����

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�d�ݧ��㪩��: Susan Boyle

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