
2010-8-14 20:50 92085688


[b][size=2] [/size][/b]
[img]http://olgame.gamedb.com.tw/sds/images/robot/10008.gif[/img][img=467,297]http://olgame.gamedb.com.tw/sds/images/robot/10001.gif[/img][img]http://olgame.gamedb.com.tw/sds/images/robot/10007.gif[/img]                                [size=6]  v�p��[/size]

2010-8-14 20:51 wilson29

�^�_ #1 92085688 �����l


2010-8-14 20:57 sck01
[quote]�쩫�� [i]wilson29[/i] �� 2010-8-14 20:51 �o��
�A�}�o����ԣ��a~ [/quote]
�L�i�D�ڭ̥u�n��3�Ӧr&copy (�Ygame��?)�ϴN����o����--

2010-8-14 20:58 92085688
:'(   .....

2010-8-14 20:59 wilson29

�^�_ #3 sck01 �����l


2010-8-14 21:00 wilson29

�^�_ #4 92085688 �����l


2010-8-14 21:11 �Y��
[quote]�쩫�� [i]92085688[/i] �� 2010-8-14 20:50 �o��

[img]http://olgame.gamedb.com.tw/sds/images/robot/10008.gifhttp://olgame.gamedb.com.tw/sds/images/robot/10001.gifhttp://olgame.gamedb.com.tw/sds/images/robot/10007.gif[/img]                               ... [/quote]

2010-8-14 21:14 keroroEX

2010-8-14 21:16 wilson29

�^�_ #8 keroroEX �����l


2010-8-14 21:36 tony

2010-8-14 21:55 wilson29

�^�_ #10 tony �����l


2010-8-14 21:56 92085688

2010-8-14 21:57 keroroEX

�^�_ #12 92085688 �����l


2010-8-14 22:00 jamzjam

2010-8-14 22:00 92085688
�A�Y���Y�p����keroroEX ?

2010-8-14 22:02 keroroEX

�^�_ #15 92085688 �����l


2010-8-14 22:03 92085688
�է��Ԫ̯դԥ��Q       dfasfdasfcdse             ���ѥ�����,English

2010-8-14 22:03 jamzjam

�^�_ #16 keroroEX �����l


2010-8-14 22:04 wilson29

�^�_ #16 keroroEX �����l

�ڷQknow ���o



2010-8-14 22:04 keroroEX

�^�_ #18 jamzjam �����l

�@���� la

2010-8-14 22:05 92085688
�է��Ԫ̯դԥ��Q       dfasfdasfcdse             ���ѥ�����,English   �l:1276

2010-8-14 22:06 keroroEX

�^�_ #21 92085688 �����l


2010-8-14 22:06 wilson29

�^�_ #20 keroroEX �����l

�O�ӥu�|copy �ڤp����

2010-8-14 22:07 jamzjam

�^�_ #22 keroroEX �����l


2010-8-14 22:08 keroroEX

�^�_ #24 jamzjam �����l


2010-8-14 22:09 jamzjam

�^�_ #25 keroroEX �����l

���ѥ�����,English   �l

2010-8-14 22:13 keroroEX

�^�_ #26 jamzjam �����l


2010-8-14 22:22 �Y��
[quote]�쩫�� [i]92085688[/i] �� 2010-8-14 22:05 �o��
�է��Ԫ̯դԥ��Q       dfasfdasfcdse             ���ѥ�����,English   �l:1276 [/quote]

2010-8-14 22:24 wilson29

�^�_ #29 �Y�� �����l


2010-8-14 22:31 92085688
��.�Y.��.��.��.��.��~~         :)  �A�ѭ���?

2010-8-14 22:37 �Y��
[quote]�쩫�� [i]92085688[/i] �� 2010-8-14 22:31 �o��
��.�Y.��.��.��.��.��~~         :)  �A�ѭ���? [/quote]

2010-8-14 22:41 wilson29

2010-8-14 22:41 92085688

2010-8-15 01:08 fing�Y�p�N
[quote]�쩫�� [i]92085688[/i] �� 2010/8/14 10:31 PM �o��
��.�Y.��.��.��.��.��~~         :)  �A�ѭ���? [/quote]
Can you speak English,Chicken?
I don't know what do you say.
You can write Chinese?I know you can't.
So I hope you write english.

2010-8-15 01:13 jamzjam
I hope he can do so too~~~
But I think that he is just a stupid guy
only know that what is copy and paste

Anyway~I think he will go to Google translate to find the meaning of these sentences

2010-8-15 01:20 fing�Y�p�N
[quote]�쩫�� [i]jamzjam[/i] �� 2010/8/15 01:13 AM �o��
I hope he can do so too~~~
But I think that he is just a stupid guy
only know that what is copy and paste

Anyway~I think he will go to Google translate to find the meaning of these sentences [/quote]
Google is so good!!!
But I think he don't know what is google
because he is in free time play SD gundam online chicken.
he don't go to google to search about translate.
I think post leader listen to Mother and Father,now
I think he go to sleeping.

2010-8-27 19:56 GX9900
�����[- -���������n!!

2010-8-27 20:12 aidan10896
[quote]�쩫�� [i]fing�Y�p�N[/i] �� 2010-8-15 01:20 �o��

Google is so good!!!
But I think he don't know what is google
because he is in free time play SD gundam online chicken.
he don't go to google to search about translate.
I think post leader  ... [/quote]
���`�N�U��k www



2010-8-27 20:48 wilson29

�^�_ #38 aidan10896 �����l


2010-8-30 21:36 bbq07

��: [1]
�d�ݧ��㪩��: v�p��

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