2011-5-16 16:36 Master





ko last mission


PS1: �Ǭ���ɩԥk�U��PM�y�L�h�N�i�H��
PS2: ����PM�n�R�۶i��(����) OR ����i��


[color=White] ��d�W(�p�W)

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�έ��۳s��,�Chit -25 ���׼ɤO,�ثe�̱jpm

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[[i] �����̫�� Master �� 2011-5-18 19:33 �s�� [/i]]

2011-5-16 16:42 UniCorn
red�Pblue ver. ���A���O?

2011-5-16 16:47 Master

�^�_ #2 UniCorn �����l


2011-5-16 16:49 �ƨg
D eng�Yup D����= =

2011-5-16 16:51 Master

�^�_ #4 �ƨg �����l

�p�ǵ{�ת��^��= =

2011-5-16 17:03 ab007509

2011-5-16 17:06 �ƨg

�^�_ #5 Master �����l

�ڭӭ^��teacher���n= =

2011-5-16 17:11 UniCorn
mystery gift �� code �Y��?

2011-5-16 17:14 Master
[quote]�쩫�� [i]UniCorn[/i] �� 2011-5-16 17:11 �o��
mystery gift �� code �Y��? [/quote]

�o���p���� 5231_
�o���i�i 5234_
�o���i�i�y ?????(�ѤF

�᭱�h�@��_ �O�n�A�[�H�K�@�ӭ^��r

2011-5-16 17:26 �ƨg

2011-5-16 17:31 Master

�^�_ #11 �ƨg �����l

choose profile
new game


2011-5-16 17:38 �ƨg

�^�_ #11 Master �����l


2011-5-16 17:38 UniCorn
[quote]�쩫�� [i]Master[/i] �� 2011-5-16 05:14 PM �o��

�o���p���� 5231_
�o���i�i 5234_
�o���i�i�y ?????(�ѤF

�᭱�h�@��_ �O�n�A�[�H�K�@�ӭ^��r [/quote]
�� work...

2011-5-16 18:05 Master
[quote]�쩫�� [i]UniCorn[/i] �� 2011-5-16 17:38 �o��

�� work... [/quote]

�o���p���ۭn���}�@��challenge mode ~ ~

2011-5-16 18:15 UniCorn
[quote]�쩫�� [i]Master[/i] �� 2011-5-16 06:05 PM �o��

�o���p���ۭn���}�@��challenge mode ~ ~ [/quote]
-.- �d咗喺��d�W嗰��...

2011-5-16 18:17 Master
[quote]�쩫�� [i]UniCorn[/i] �� 2011-5-16 18:15 �o��

-.- �d咗喺��d�W嗰��... [/quote]


[[i] �����̫�� Master �� 2011-5-16 18:18 �s�� [/i]]

2011-5-16 18:19 �ƨg
[quote]�쩫�� [i]UniCorn[/i] �� 2011-5-16 18:15 �o��

-.- �d咗喺��d�W嗰��... [/quote]
�P�ڤ@��= =

2011-5-16 18:19 UniCorn
[quote]�쩫�� [i]Master[/i] �� 2011-5-16 06:17 PM �o��

��k�O��ԤO�����b�@��,����X�ĤH�N��Dz��h���� [/quote]

2011-5-16 18:38 Master
[quote]�쩫�� [i]UniCorn[/i] �� 2011-5-16 18:19 �o��

btw,#1���ϤF... [/quote]

�[�o,�����@�̤S�����F����= =

2011-5-16 18:51 UniCorn
[quote]�쩫�� [i]Master[/i] �� 2011-5-16 06:38 PM �o��

�[�o,�����@�̤S�����F����= = [/quote]
���O���u�@�� XD

2011-5-16 19:12 Master
[quote]�쩫�� [i]UniCorn[/i] �� 2011-5-16 18:51 �o��

���O���u�@�� XD [/quote]

���u�n��d�W�X�Ӯɦ��������},�N�i�H�b�e�̨Ӧ^�ɦ������ɶ�����= =�ҥH�e�������u�̭��n

2011-5-16 19:19 UniCorn
���Y喺�ڮ����\���e��_���ؤl����咗 = =


2011-5-16 19:23 Master
[quote]�쩫�� [i]UniCorn[/i] �� 2011-5-16 19:19 �o��
���Y喺�ڮ����\���e��_���ؤl����咗 = =

�Ŧ��GD�Y�}������? [/quote]

��d�Wboss �P �⭱�˪L�G��������d�W��(���v���C)
�A��������d�W�����⫧,�ڳ̫�@��������n�����d��= =


2011-5-16 19:25 UniCorn
[quote]�쩫�� [i]Master[/i] �� 2011-5-16 07:23 PM �o��

��d�Wboss �P �⭱�˪L�G��������d�W��(���v���C)
�A��������d�W�����⫧,�ڳ̫�@��������n�����d��= =

�Y [/quote]

2011-5-16 19:43 UniCorn
sxxt,�S��咗����d�W - -


[[i] �����̫�� UniCorn �� 2011-5-16 19:46 �s�� [/i]]

2011-5-16 20:25 Master
[quote]�쩫�� [i]UniCorn[/i] �� 2011-5-16 19:43 �o��
sxxt,�S��咗����d�W - -

yeah!����F [/quote]

����h�J�d����trade���= =

2011-5-16 20:48 UniCorn
[quote]�쩫�� [i]Master[/i] �� 2011-5-16 08:25 PM �o��

����h�J�d����trade���= = [/quote]

2011-5-16 21:23 Master
[quote]�쩫�� [i]UniCorn[/i] �� 2011-5-16 20:48 �o��

�ƻ�ˤl��? [/quote]


The Trading NPC, is in the level you have to do something to get him to show up at the end.

�ܻ��A���D�o����N���? ��F�ܤ[������trading NPC�b��

2011-5-17 16:34 �ƨg
mt.moon 2�I�}= =

[[i] �����̫�� �ƨg �� 2011-5-17 17:15 �s�� [/i]]

2011-5-17 17:47 Master
[quote]�쩫�� [i]�ƨg[/i] �� 2011-5-17 16:34 �o��
mt.moon 2�I�}= = [/quote]


[[i] �����̫�� Master �� 2011-5-17 17:49 �s�� [/i]]

2011-5-17 17:48 Master
���Ѳש�J��d���M���B���F= = ���B����lovely kiss�W�}��,�d���t�t�ɵ�....

2011-5-17 18:09 �ƨg

[[i] �����̫�� �ƨg �� 2011-5-17 18:11 �s�� [/i]]

2011-5-17 20:17 Master
[quote]�쩫�� [i]�ƨg[/i] �� 2011-5-17 18:09 �o��
�d���I��..�n���n��?�P�I�a���I��? [/quote]

�̫�@��,�ɨ�15lv���L�ۥX= =


2011-5-18 10:18 �ƨg

�^�_ #33 Master �����l


2011-5-18 13:43 Master
[quote]�쩫�� [i]�ƨg[/i] �� 2011-5-18 10:18 �o��
�ɤp���ۤ�ӥ� [/quote]

�p���۫Y25lv �i��= =

2011-5-18 15:30 UniCorn
�ϩR...��񳾦����N�H�a���^�h����S���f�f�� = =

2011-5-18 16:48 �ƨg

2011-5-18 17:14 UniCorn
[quote]�쩫�� [i]�ƨg[/i] �� 2011-5-18 04:48 PM �o��
�������i�H�ɧ�D... [/quote]

��D�Ǧn�ɤO,�d��ڮ������d�W�P�֥� = =

2011-5-18 17:59 UniCorn
�ש󮻨�d���F...��ԣ�� = =


[[i] �����̫�� UniCorn �� 2011-5-18 18:14 �s�� [/i]]

2011-5-18 19:30 Master
[quote]�쩫�� [i]UniCorn[/i] �� 2011-5-18 17:59 �o��
�ש󮻨�d���F...��ԣ�� = =

���B���I�J��? [/quote]


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�d�ݧ��㪩��: PTD

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