���ʦP�� Gundam HK » �f�P��� » �S���L�d�����G�D�j��


2011-9-29 12:26 UniCorn
[�p�n][quote]�쩫�� [i]mebius[/i] �� 2011-9-29 12:09 PM �o��
You [color=Red]are misunderstand[/color] your rights.
You are thinking [color=Red]selffishly[/color] and your views show no respect to others' feelings
consideration for the feeling of others is the foundation of all  ... [/quote][/�p�n]

2011-9-29 12:34 0083


2011-9-29 12:39 UniCorn
[quote]�쩫�� [i]0083[/i] �� 2011-9-29 12:34 PM �o��

[url]http://forum.gundamhk.in/redirect.php?tid=42311&goto=newpost[/url] [/quote]

2011-9-29 12:41 jackson1998

�^�_ #43 UniCorn �����l



2011-9-29 12:43 mebius
[quote]�쩫�� [i]mebius[/i] �� 2011-9-29 12:09 �o��
You are misunderstood your rights.
You are thinking [color=Red]selfishly[/color] and your views show no respect to others' feelings
consideration for the feeling of others is the foundation of all c ... [/quote]


2011-9-29 12:49 issac999

2011-9-29 12:56 UniCorn

�^�_ #45 mebius �����l

�A�ݤ����ڬ��� highlight �I��"are"��...

��: 1 [2]

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