���ʦP�� Gundam HK » ������� » ����¦⪩GOOGLE (DARKOOGLE)


2007-8-30 12:04 �p�a



"A typical white screen uses around 74 watts of electricity. A blackversion of the same screen uses around 59 watts - so saving around 15watts per hour.
"A saving of 15 watts isn't huge on it's own - you couldn't even run a household lightbulb with it."
"However, Google gets around 200 million hits a day. Multiply ourmodest 15 watt saving by 200 million and things start to getinteresting."
"The idea was first suggested in a blog entry in January whichestimated that a "black Google" could save 750 megawatt-hours a year."
"To save the most energy, it is advisable to set your browser'shomepage to Darkoogle and email friends and family about it so they canall help together to save energy."

DARKOOGLE �u��զ�|�ϥθ��֯�q???

2007-8-30 12:07 m11
[quote]�쩫�� [i]�p�a[/i] �� 2007-8-30 12:04 �o��

"A typical white screen uses around 74 watts of electricity. A blackversion of the same screen uses around 59 watts - so sa ... [/quote]

2007-8-30 12:08 �p�a
[quote]�쩫�� [i]m11[/i] �� 2007-8-30 12:07 �o��

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2007-8-30 12:09 �ۼv����
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2007-8-30 12:10 �p�a
[quote]�쩫�� [i]�ۼv����[/i] �� 2007-8-30 12:09 �o��
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2007-8-30 12:12 m11


2007-8-30 12:13 �p�a
[quote]�쩫�� [i]m11[/i] �� 2007-8-30 12:12 �o��

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2007-8-30 12:43 �ۼv����

2007-8-30 12:45 GoOd
[quote]�쩫�� [i]m11[/i] �� 2007-8-30 12:07 �o��

�Pı�����O [/quote]
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2007-8-30 16:04 Tiger
>DARKOOGLE �u��զ�|�ϥθ��֯�q???


2007-8-30 16:10 �L���D�Դ�

2007-8-30 16:11 ���@��
[quote]�쩫�� [i]�L���D�Դ�[/i] �� 2007-8-30 16:10 �o��
�u�A�t�@�I�v�X�G���ݤ���r�D�D�D�D�D�D [/quote]

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�d�ݧ��㪩��: ����¦⪩GOOGLE (DARKOOGLE)

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