(懦夫, 做左唔敢認._.)
sss就sss架喇sss, 解唔明話 ...
UID 16
積分 26051
帖子 29050
威望 26051
金錢 981 盟幣
存款 15228 盟幣
體力 58 點
閱讀權限 150
註冊 2007-4-13
MP分 0
聽日我就要Present, 唔該大家幫手喇
Good morning Mr. Wong and 4D classmate. Yesterday I draw the number of question which is number 3!
Today I am responsible for talk about the plot and the character of the film. I watched the film that called Biohazard 3.
This film is talks about the earth have a virus which make form people and let the infected lost their humanity. We call these be Monster. The leading lady called Alice who can make the wonder and is a experiment which is boffins used to kill monster. Alice knows that when she was a teenager and she killed monster for protect herself and her mates. After a number of blood and thunder, and the horror scene. Alice back Las Vegas underground where are her infinite sister’s fetus and her final enemy who is the boffin of produce Alice. At the end Alice and her sister armies killed the boffin and rescue the hum being on the earth.
I absolutely recommend this film for you.
It was very exciting and bloody, on fighting scene it is very powerful for the special effects. If you are coward, maybe it will let you be more bravefully.
This is the end of my presentation, thank you for your focused listening.
[ 本帖最後由 小軒 於 2008-2-20 20:19 編輯 ]