Universe and Time
• Define space and the universe
• Identify the main elements making up space and universe• Identify theories explaining the origin of universe
• Identify the different foundations on which theories are based
• identify features of the universe
• explain means with which man confirms his knowing of all this
• define key terms such as planets, stars and galaxies
• explain the state of the universe and identify relevant theories
• define time
• identify theories explaining the origin of time
• provide relationships between time and the universe
• provide examples relating man’s actions to time
The Solar System and
• Locate the solar system in the universe
• Name the substance forming the solar system
• Provide features of the solar system
• Locate the planets within the solar system
• Describe the formation of Earth and other planets within the solar system
• Identify the effects (eg geographical – different landscapes, oceans, mountains,
climatic – different weathers) of the sun on Earth, informed by the specific
locations of both in the solar system
• Identify the features of young Earth shortly after it was created
• Identify the features of Earth today
• List the similarities and differences between young Earth and Earth today
• List the similarities and differences amongst Venus, Earth and Mars
• Identify the effects of such features of Earth on life both past and present
• Identify the qualities for life to exist on Earth
• Identify the qualities of Earth’s neighbours (eg Venus and Mars)
• Explain why life exists, or does not exist, in Earth’s neighbouring planets (eg
Venus and Mars)