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[原創]電影劇本分享: Gang Of Brothers (英文)

標題: [原創]電影劇本分享: Gang Of Brothers (英文)
Rank: 5Rank: 5

UID 4032
精華 0
積分 1873
帖子 790
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金錢 4271 盟幣
存款 237967 盟幣
體力 35 點
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註冊 2008-5-17
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發表於 2012-2-3 19:06  資料 短消息 
[原創]電影劇本分享: Gang Of Brothers (英文)

但本人真心希望得到別人的意見, 如果有人看完和了解當中的細節的話, 請俾D意思


Gang of Brothers

Characters : Erik Castor( main Character) , Marco Malony, Tony Francis, Reggie Delano, Darren Bane

Scene 1

Location: Shopping centre
Characters: Erik Castor, man
(Erik is at a shop’s corner shuffling a deck of playing cards, he randomly picks up Ace of Spades, then places it on the
back of the deck and puts it back into his pocket)
(Then his phone rang suddenly)
Erik: Hello? Your payment has already been transferred to your bank account; you can check it right now.
(After a while)
Erik: Alright, I understand. Thank you.
(Erik puts his phone into his pocket and walked away, he walked into the men’s restroom and into one of the toilet
cubicles, he sees a metal case, opens and checks it and takes it away. Erik walks into an alley and looked around, he
knew that he someone was following him and he ran quickly)

End of Scene 1

Scene 2

Location: Conference room
Characters: Erik Castor, Marco Malony, Tony Francis, Reggie Delano
(Tony Francis, Marco Malony and Reggie Delano are sitting around the table, Tony plays with his ring and Marco plays with his Zippo lighter)
Marco: (Looks at his watch) He’s late. What the hell is he doin’?
(Tony stops playing with his ring)
Tony: Why don’t you ask him yourself?
(Marco stops playing with his lighter, he and Reggie looks at Erik who just entered the room)
Erik: Sorry for the delay, there was a little bit of…problem when I was on my way.
Tony: And what of our package?
Erik: Right here. (Erik puts the metal case on the desk) I’ve checked it. It’s good.
(Tony stands up and takes the metal case, opens and checks it)
Tony: Excellent! (Closes the metal case)
Reggie: I’ve already contacted our buyer in the Philippines. There’s a cargo ship heading there tomorrow.
Tony: I will take the package aboard and keep a close watch like before, just to be safe. I’ll be back in three days.
Erik: What about the cops and the other dealers?
Tony: Malony will take care of them, just like before.
(Erik looks at Marco, then looks back at Tony)
Erik: The cops and the other dealers seemed to pay more attention to us. Some of my men were either
captured or killed. I fear that…
Marco: Me too. I think someone is plotting against us.
Tony: Relax. Leave it to Malony. But right now, what’s more important is this deal, it’s worth US $10 billion.
Just tell your men to keep a low profile during the three days I’m away. And the payment from today’s deal will be
transferred to everyone’s account by tomorrow. If there’s nothing else, we’re done for today, gentlemen.
(The four men leaves the conference room)

End of Scene 2

Scene 3

Location: Car park
Characters: Erik Castor, Marco Malony, Darren Bane
(Darren is standing beside the car park entrance, waiting for Erik, Erik comes out of the door and keeps walking and
Darren follows him)
Darren: So what did Francis say?
Erik: You know I can’t talk about that.
Darren: But I need to know what to do next.
Erik: …Francis said we let Marco handle it.
Darren: Why? Many of our men are missing, and we let an outsider to do the job? Well then, I might as well quit!
Erik: It’s not our decision; we can’t do anything about it…
(Erik stops when he sees Marco leave)
Erik: Marco!
(Erik goes up to Marco and Darren follows)
Erik: What are you gonna do?
Marco: Well, I’m the one doin’ the job, so that has nothin’ to do with you.
(As Marco leaves, Erik calls)
Erik: Marco!
(Marco stops and turns around impatiently)
Erik: This isn’t just about you and me.
Marco: What the hell are you tryin’ to say? You think I’m gonna let my men walk into a trap?
Marco: (Marco grabs Erik by his collar) Like you?!
Darren: (Walks towards Marco) Stop!
(Marco pushes Darren aside)
Marco: (Looks back at Erik angrily) You listen to me carefully. I have never forgotten or forgive what you did.
And what I do and how I do it is none of your business. You got that?!
(Marco pushes Erik onto the ground and turns around and walks away, Erik kneels on the floor panting, Darren helps
him up, Erik looks up and watches Marco leave)

End of Scene 3

Scene 4
Location: Erik’s home
Characters: Erik Castor
(Erik sits on the bed, thinking, then takes his cards out and shuffles it; he randomly picks Ace of Spades out and puts it back, his phone rang suddenly)
Erik: What?
Darren: (Through the phone) You told me to find out who was following you yesterday, I’ve found him.
Erik: Got it.
(Erik hangs up the phone)
(Marco gives Erik a deck of playing cards)
Marco: We’re brothers, Erik, and brothers look out for each other.
(Scene changes to Marco punching Erik)
Marco: Why?! You knew the cops were there, and you still sent me in there to die! You know how many of
my men were dead because of you?!
(Erik puts his hands on his face, sighing)

End of Scene 4

Scene 5
Location: Conference room
Characters: Erik Castor, Marco Malony, Tony Francis, Reggie Delano
(Four days later)
(Erik enters the conference room; Tony, Marco and Reggie were sitting around the table)
Erik: Sorry I’m late. (Sits down) But I didn’t expect such a sudden meeting.
Tony: You and Marco both. He just got here a while ago.
(Erik looks at Marco, Marco ignores him)
Erik: So what’s the problem?
Tony: Someone sent us a threat message.
Erik: (A little surprised) What?
(Tony raises his hand to signal Reggie)
Reggie: (Reggie takes out his laptop) Yesterday someone sent me this video recording using one of my men.
(Reggie turns on the laptop and the monitor shows the words “NERO”, then the recording starts to play, the sound
has been processed)
Nero: Hello, gentlemen, allow me to introduce myself, I am Nero. You may have noticed lately that many your
people has been killed, it was I who did this.
(Erik and Marco shocked at hearing this)
Nero: But this is just the start. If you do not transfer US $2 hundred billion to my bank account in three days,
your people will continue to die. This is my account number.
(The bank account number shows in the screen)
Marco: US $2 billion?! Where the hell did this guy learn to crack jokes?
Nero: If I do not receive the money in one week, I will kill everyone inside this room one by one, one in every week.
(Erik and Marco shocked at listening)
Nero: And if you keep delaying, the amount will increase every week I don’t get the money. I’m a man of my
(The recording stops and Reggie offs the laptop and puts it away)
Reggie: That’s all.
Tony: So what do you think?
Marco: We ain’t givin’ him crap!
Tony: …Obviously. (Looks at Erik) What about you, Castor?
(Erik thinks for a while)
Erik: Can I analyze the recording?
Tony: Why? It’s not what you do, Delano can do it.
(Erik looks at Reggie, then back at Tony)
Erik: How about Delano find the source of the recording, and I analyze it?
(Silence for a while)
Tony: Fine. If there’s anything, contact Marco. Use any means necessary to dig this guy out. And remember, I want him alive.
Marco: I’m not letting this bastard go off easily!
Tony: Cool it, Marco. As long as this guy is hiding from us, we can’t continue with our business, tell your men
to stop all dealings. And I’m taking everyone’s money to a safe place in New York until this is over.

End of Scene 5

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[ 本帖最後由 imtlmf 於 2012-2-3 20:15 編輯 ]


Rank: 5Rank: 5

UID 4032
精華 0
積分 1873
帖子 790
威望 1873
金錢 4271 盟幣
存款 237967 盟幣
體力 35 點
閱讀權限 70
註冊 2008-5-17
MP分 0
發表於 2012-2-3 19:07  資料 短消息 
Scene 6

Location: Erik’s hideout
Characters: Erik Castor, Daren Bane
(Darren is sitting in a room facing the computer; he keeps listening to the recording)
(Erik enters the room)
Erik: Well?
Darren: I’ve analyzed the recording for almost a week now. But it’s been processed many times; it’s very difficult to restore it. I’ve also checked out the bank account, can’t find anything.
Erik: We received another message this morning. (Takes out a CD)
(Darren takes the CD and puts it in the computer and loads it)
Erik: How many of our men are killed?
Darren: About fifty.
(The screen shows the words “NERO”)
Nero: It’s been almost a week and I have not yet received my money until now. How many of your people have I killed already? If I still have not received my money by the end of this week, you know what happens. You have
been warned.
(The recording stops playing)
Erik: It seems we’re in way out of our head…
Darren: (Looks up at Erik) Why? Because of this guy?
Erik: I dunno… (Points at the monitor) This is what’s more important now.
Darren: You’re not thinking of giving him money, are you?
Erik: His intention wasn’t about money from the start.
Darren: Then what is it?
Erik: I knew from the first recording, Nero knew we wouldn’t pay him; moreover, he wanted US $2 billion in three days, we couldn’t possibly have it in such a short time. I think his intentions are to kill us all and take whatever money he can.
Darren: What do the others think about this?
(Erik stays silent)
Darren: You didn’t tell them? Why didn’t you?
(Erik stays silent again)
Darren: You suspected that it was of them?
Erik: I can’t be sure…
Darren: Do you think its Marco?
Erik: We don’t know that!
Darren: But fifty of our men are dead!
Erik: I know! But what if it’s not Marco? What if it’s just Nero’s plan to make us think it was him? That’s why
we have to be more cautious, or we’ll fall into his trap!
Darren: Then what do we do? What do you think is his next move?
Erik: (Thinks for a while) He might try and kill Francis first so he can take all the money he wants and disappear. But he can’t cause’ of me and Marco. So that means he’s gonna come after me first or Marco. Cause’ with us gone,
our organization is defenceless. And then Nero’s gonna come for Francis and get the money.
(Erik thinks for a while)
Erik: No...So “he” is “Nero”…it all makes sense…
Darren: Who…?
Erik: We don’t have enough proof right now, but according to my theory, it should be right. When you leave, do everything I say.
(Erik tells Darren what to do, Darren leaves the room and Erik leaves as well, then a man shows up and chases after Erik, the shot turns black with a gunshot)

End of Scene 6

Scene 7

Location: Conference room
Characters: Marco Malony, Tony Francis, Reggie Delano
(Tony, Marco and Reggie is listening to the recording)
Nero: I’ve already said it before, if I still haven’t received my money before the chosen date, I will kill every one of you. Mr. Castor is an example; that is why he couldn’t attend this meeting. And now the amount has increased to
US $ 4 billion, if I still haven’t receive the money in five days time, then be prepared to collect another dead body.
(Recording ends)
Tony: (Furious) Get it outta my sight!
(Reggie puts away the laptop)
Reggie: Erik is dead...then who’s the next…
(Marco thinking)
Tony: Stop freakin’ out, Delano! We ain’t payin’ him anything! But Castor’s dead, and we don’t know who’s next. Right now we have to find Nero. Malony, I want you to catch this guy within three days using any means necessary!
Marco: (Nods) Got it.
Tony: I have also secured our money in a safe place no one knows. After this is over, your money will return to you.
Don’t worry, your money is safe, you have my word. Other dealers have already surpassed us; we have to end this
quickly, unless everyone wanna beg for the rest of their life. I await your good news, Malony. We’re done here today.

End of Scene 7

Scene 8

Location: Car park
Characters: Marco Malony, Darren Bane
(Marco is at the car park, his phone rang suddenly and he answers it)
Marco: What?
Darren: Marco Malony, this is…
Marco: Darren Bane? You work for Castor.
Darren: Indeed I do. There is something you should know.
Marco: And why would I be interested? (After a little while) Are you certain?! (A little while) OK.
Darren: No one is to be told about this.
Marco: Then you have nothing to worry about.
(Marco hangs up, got into his car and drives away)

End of Scene 8

Scene 9

Location: Conference room
Characters: Marco Malony, Tony Francis, Reggie Delano
Tony: Malony called this meeting today. So, have you found out who Nero is?
Marco: (Smiles) Not exactly. I killed him.
(Tony couldn’t react when he heard it)
Tony: (Serious) I said I wanted him alive!
Marco: Sorry, but the situation was out of control, I didn’t have a choice, or I would have joined Castor.
(After a moment of silence)
Reggie: So…who was he?
Marco: Castor’s man: Darren Bane, it was him all along. He wanted all our money and be the head of the
organization after we were all dead. But he couldn’t have killed us all, so he came to me last night and asked me to
join him, but I refused. He then tried to kill me, but I killed him first.
Tony: How did you he was Nero?
Marco: (Takes out Erik’s playing cards from his pocket) I found this on him.
(Marco puts the deck of cards onto the table, Tony and Reggie takes a closer look at it)
Marco: It’s all over now, so can we continue with our business? My men are already tired of waiting.
Tony: (thinks for a while) Of course we can. And from today onwards, Marco, you will take all of Castor’s jobs. Delano, start contacting our buyers. Starting from tomorrow…
Marco: (Cuts in) Excuse me, but I think I need a vacation.
Tony: (Stares blankly at Marco) What?
Marco: I’m goin’ to Hawaii, I’ll be flyin’ tomorrow, and I’ve already bought the tickets.
Reggie: Why?
Marco: A lot of our men were killed lately, and I’m sure the cops are more concerned about the black market. Moreover, after all this, I need a little rest. See you in a few weeks, gents!
(Marco stands up and turn around, ready to leave)
Tony: Stop.  
(Marco halts)
Tony: You can just leave whenever you want to.
(Marco turns around)
Marco: No, I can.
(Marco leaves the room)

End of Scene 9

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[ 本帖最後由 imtlmf 於 2012-2-3 19:18 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

UID 4032
精華 0
積分 1873
帖子 790
威望 1873
金錢 4271 盟幣
存款 237967 盟幣
體力 35 點
閱讀權限 70
註冊 2008-5-17
MP分 0
發表於 2012-2-3 19:09  資料 短消息 
Scene 10

Location: Car park
Characters: Erik Castor, Marco Malony, Tony Francis, Reggie Delano
(Reggie is talking on the phone)
Reggie: I want a ticket to London, when is the next flight? Three days later?! Look, I don’t care; I want a
ticket in these 2 days or…
(Marco hits Reggie on the back suddenly and points a gun at him)
Reggie: M-Marco? What the hell are you doing?!
Marco: Calm down, Reg. Listen to what I-
(Tony appears behind Marco pointing a gun at him)
Tony: Drop the gun.
(Marco slowly puts down the gun on the ground and Reggie stands up)
Reggie: What the hell is going on?!
Tony: Someone wants to kill someone else and put the blame on others and escape.
Marco: (Laughs) Escape? You used the wrong choice of words.
Reggie: What?! Marco…you killed Castor?!
Tony: Yes…he is Nero.
Marco: (Calmly) No, I’m not.
Tony: Yes, you are! I know you hated Castor, that’s why you killed him!
Marco: No, I didn’t.
Tony: Really? (Smiles) Shame that Castor is dead; or he’ll be able to tell us everything.
(Erik appears behind Tony pointing a gun at him)
Erik: What do you wanna know?
(Reggie looks at Erik shockingly)
Tony: Erik?! You’re alive?!
Erik: Surprised?
Tony: How?!
Erik: Your boy didn’t get the job done. Didn’t he tell you?
Marco: If someone came out earlier, then I wouldn’t have been framed.
Erik: He wouldn’t confess until the very end.
Tony:  So you knew from the very beginning.
Reggie: What the hell is going on? Weren’t you supposed to be dead, Castor?
Erik: It was all a set up, Delano. Set up by a man we all knew.
(Marco picks up the gun on the ground)
Marco: It’s over, Francis. Or should I say, Nero?
Reggie: (Looks shockingly at Tony) You were Nero all along?!
Tony: How did you find out?
Erik: From the start. (Takes out a ring from his pocket) Don’t tell me you forgot this?
(Flashback to Erik being followed)
Erik: That day I was being followed, Bane found out who he was, he was one of yours. I also suspected it was you when we got the recording.
Marco: You kept killing our men just to make us think that we did it to each other, make us hate each other
more and to avoid us working together. Luckily, Bane found out the man who followed and tried to kill Castor, he was also wearing the same ring as you.
Tony: Then why didn’t you blow my cover from the start?
Erik: There wasn’t enough proof. And that’s why we are all standing here today.   
(Flashback to Erik talking to Darren)
(Erik thinks for a while)
Erik: No…So “he” is “Nero”…it all makes sense…
Darren: Who…?
Erik: We don’t have enough proof right now, but according to my theory, it should be right. When you leave, do everything as I say.
Darren: Wait, what-
Erik: You said the guy following me had the same ring as Francis?
Darren: Yes…
Erik: Then I suspected right! It can’t be a coincidence. With me and Marco gone, he can do whatever he can
and there’s no one to stop him. I’m sure Francis has already sent people to kill us, I’ll deal with them and find more
evidence. But after this, I have to pretend to be dead so I can operate more freely.(Takes his deck of cards out from his pocket) Give this to Marco, tell him to tell Francis that he killed Nero, just to see his reaction.
Darren: But what if Malony doesn’t believe me?
Erik: He’ll believe you.
Darren: How do you know?
Erik: Because we’re brothers.
(Flashback to Darren talking to Marco)
Marco: That’s why you called me out here?
Darren: It’s the only way Erik says it will end.
Marco: Why should I believe him?
Darren: Because he treats you as a brother.
(Darren takes out Erik’s deck of cards and hands it to him)
Darren: He said he didn’t want this to happen, and after you helped him with this, you won’t hear from him
(Marco takes the cards)
Darren: It’s up to you if you’re gonna believe it.
Tony: So is everything going according to plan for you?
Erik: No. I wanted to make sure everyone was on my side.
Marco: (Jokes, looking at Reggie) Sorry, Delano. I just wanted to make it look real.
Tony: So what do you plan to do with me?
Marco: What else? If you’re not dead, how am I supposed to make it up to my guys?
Reggie: (Thinking) Wait. He still has our money!
(Erik and Marco suddenly realized)
(Tony knocks Erik with the back of his head, takes his gun and runs away)
Reggie: He’s escaping!
(Tony fired a few shots and shoots Reggie in the arm)
Erik: Reg!
Reggie: I’m OK.
(Marco chases after Tony, Erik follows, Tony fired a few shots and hide behind a wall)
Erik: Nowhere to run, Francis!
Marco: Give us back our cash and you may get to live.
Tony: (Laughs) I knew this would happen when the two of you joined us; it was only a matter of time. It’s like
putting two bombs beside me, not knowing when is it gonna explode. Since it has come to this… (Points the gun at himself)
Erik: Noo!!
(Tony shot himself and fell to the ground)
Marco: Shit!
(Both men went to Tony side)
Erik: Why…?
Marco: He made his choice; we could not have stopped him.
(Hears police sirens, Reggie runs to them)
Reggie: The cops are coming! We gotta go!
(Marco looks at Erik)
Marco: Come on.
(The three men got on the car and drove away)

End of Scene 10

Scene 11

Location: Rooftop
Characters: Erik Castor, Marco Malony
(6 months later, Erik standing on the roof, Marco goes up to him)
Marco: Hey.
Erik: (Turns around) Hey.
Marco: (After a while) The cops thinks Tony killed himself. Even though we got away, I’m pretty sure it’s not
gonna be the same.
Erik: (Smiles, looks at Marco) I’m sure you can handle it.
Marco: (Smiles, then became serious) Too bad we still don’t know where Francis kept our money, it’s worth
more than US $ 50000000000…
Erik: You’re always thinking of money.
Marco: Nope. It’s just that we took a long time makin’ that money, dunno how long will it take to make it
again. It’s just like wasting a life’s work.
Erik: (Takes out a check and gives it to Marco) Here.
(Marco takes a look at it)
Erik: Think of it as a…promotion gift.
Marco: Thanks. (Puts the check in his pocket) So you sure you’re not gonna stay?
Erik: (Thinking) Yeah. After what happened, I think this isn’t really my kind of thing, and I wanna try
something else. Besides, Darren’s much better than me. (Looks at Marco) Will you trust him?
Marco: (Smiles) It depends, if someone’s gonna betray us, again.
Erik: (Laughs) Perhaps.
(Marco suddenly remembers)
Marco: Oh, yeah! (Takes out Erik’s playing cards out of his pocket) This is yours.
Erik: (Smiles) Thanks! (Takes the cards and have a look before putting it in his pocket)
Erik: (Looks at his watch) I gotta go.
Marco: Give me a call if you need anything. We’re brothers…
Erik: And brothers look out for each other.
(Erik and Marco shook hands and Erik leaves)


The End

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[ 本帖最後由 imtlmf 於 2012-2-3 19:36 編輯 ]



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